Year: 2010

The Blogger Standout: Personality

Hopefully by now I have convinced you to blog.  Have I?  If not, go re-read this post on business blogs.  But let’s assume you’ve decided you’re going to blog since it’s a great way to build a client base, get your word out, and generally have a good time expressing yourself.  Now it’s time to give you a piece of advice on how to blog: Personality.

You may be used to writing in the business style.  It gets information across, doesn’t really let any personality though, and it’s a great way to keep from offending anyone, except those who find boring writing boring. …

What Belongs On Your Company Website

Do you have a website?  If you are a small business owner, the answer should be YES.  In fact, I would argue that you should put more time and money into your website than any printed materials besides for packaging.  Your website is your home base.  It’s where most of your customers will look before deciding to buy your product, whether it is your time or an actual physical object.  It will be well worth your while to have a beautiful website.

So what should be on this website you ask?  I will tell you.

The first page is a welcome. …

Six Essential Rules For Writing The Best Blog Content Ever

6 rules for your blogYesterday I told you that as a small business owner you need a blog.  Today I’ll tell you how to write it.  Writing a blog is about delivering engaging and gripping content day after day after day.  Writing content can seem a daunting task at first, but if you follow these six rules, you’ll find that what you churn out will better than you expected.

Rule 1: Make sure every post you write has a purpose.

You just need to ask yourself, why would someone want to read this post?  What message am I trying to get across?  What will my reader take away from this post? 

Why Your Company Needs a Business Blog

This blog is intended to show how as a small business owner you can utilize social media tools to grow your clientele, get your word out, and thrive.  An important part of the social media equation is blogging.  You may believe everyone and their mother is out to start a blog in order to keep you posted on which cereal they ate for breakfast, if their cat got over that nasty stomach flu, and if they can balance cherries on their dog’s head.  But there is so much more to it than that.  Business blogging is a completely different beast, and is one of the most effective ways to add content to your website, build brand awareness, and turn readers of your blog into real-life customers.…

Today’s Afternoon Delight: Passion

I’m here to offer you some afternoon delight, a feature I will occasionally include in this blog.

There are many, many, many blogs out there writing on social media and how to survive it.  Sometimes they make me feel like I’m trying to navigate an earthquake or tsunami instead of a marketing niche.  Occasionally I notice a trend that is overtaking the Blogsphere which I find interesting and noteworthy.  I used to make a note of it in my head.  Now I will share with you.  Today’s trend?  PASSION.

Please take note:

FamousBloggers has a post up about passion.

As does Outspoken Media, a personal favorite of mine (the part about passion is at the end of the post).…

Birth Announcement is born Born on July 26, 2010

Weighing in at One Post and Thousands More To Come

Today goes live.  I would love to ramble on and on about what I hope this small business can achieve, and believe me when I say I could wax poetic for hours, but then you’d be bored and my fingers would hurt.  So instead I am going to show you over the next days, weeks, months, and hopefully years exactly what your small business can accomplish by using Social Media.

With today’s birth, I have given myself a web-based home to impart Social Media marketing ideas. …