Birth Announcement is born Born on July 26, 2010

Weighing in at One Post and Thousands More To Come

Today goes live.  I would love to ramble on and on about what I hope this small business can achieve, and believe me when I say I could wax poetic for hours, but then you’d be bored and my fingers would hurt.  So instead I am going to show you over the next days, weeks, months, and hopefully years exactly what your small business can accomplish by using Social Media.

With today’s birth, I have given myself a web-based home to impart Social Media marketing ideas.  I am going to teach you how your small business  can transform a Twitter account into real customers and how you can write a business blog to draw in those Internet users you are currently missing.

My hope is that this blog is going to grow up to be a helpful and insightful guide for those who need one.   And though I may stray from my mission from time to time, I promise that the information will be first rate, that I’ll work as hard as I can to be worth following, worth reading, and worth hiring.  If you are a small business who knows Social Media is the wave of the future but are too overwhelmed to even think about where to begin, I urge you to begin here.  Sign up for the RSS feed. Sign up so that every post appears magically in your email box.  Follow me on Twitter.  Become a Facebook fan.  There are so many ways to be connected.  Pick one.

So this is the blog.  Acquaint yourself with it.  And subscribe.

I am looking forward to a long relationship of writing posts, reading posts, and helping you become all you can be.


1 comment

  1. Congratulations, Rebecca – your website looks top-notch!

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