Category: Social Media

5 Little Successes That Lead To Big Ones

5-little-successes-that-lead-to-big-onesLife is built upon little successes. Every big milestone that we hit has been built on many mini steps first. Creating a social media presence is no different. It’s important to take the time to celebrate the little successes so that the journey to your ultimate goal doesn’t feel so far away.

Here are what I consider to be the first five steps that are worth taking a moment to celebrate:

1.) Your first 100 Twitter followers AND your first 100 Tweets

This is such a huge milestone because to get here, you really have to engage on Twitter and make yourself worth following.…

Social Media: It’s Ok To Be Scared

social-media-its-ok-to-be-scaredWhen you think about marketing via social media, it’s ok to be scared and feel like you have no idea what you’re doing. Have I not said that before? I apologize if I haven’t. Because it’s true. Social media can feel exhausting and endless and if you don’t know where to begin, it can feel even more so. Sometimes a goal or project feels so insurmountable that it stops a person before they even start it. Like organizing your closet, learning French, or conquering social media.

So let’s take a step back. You don’t need to know the ins and outs of SEO (search engine optimization) or have an excel doc of keywords or have WordPress mastered to the point where you could teach it.…

What Are Your Social Media Goals?

socia-media-goalsI’ve been thinking about goals lately. Which means you should be too. Why? Because if you don’t know what you’re striving for, how will you ever reach it?

So ask yourself why you are reading my blog. Is it because your goal is to start a blog in order to grow your customer base? Is it to start a blog because you want to have another medium in which to introduce new products? You need to know what you want. And you need to know your strengths and limits in order to make that happen. Are you incredibly creative but can’t write to get your point across to save your life?…

What The Emmys Should Have Taught You About Social Media

social_media_and_communityI had another post planned for today, but last night, while watching the Emmys, I realized there was a lot to be learned from this classic awards show.

I have always been a lover of awards shows, the Emmys, Oscars, Golden Globes, etc. It is a mixture of the red carpet and the fact that I have three hobbies and two of them are watching TV and watching movies.  It was also something about the fact that the Emmys felt so exclusive, and I wanted to be a part of it.  But unless I moved to Hollywood and roomed with Courteney Cox, I was never going to be invited.…

Mad Men Guide To Social Media

Like millions of others, I am swept up in the Mad Men phenomenon, watching with fascination as the advertising men (plus Peggy and Joan) drink whiskey, and then more whiskey, and then even some more.  After starting this blog, I began wondering how Don Draper would react if he was in the world of social media instead of advertising.  I think of social media in 2010 as the television advertising of the 60’s.  People are just starting to notice its power, and many are wondering if it is just a fad.

So instead of Don sitting at Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce, I’m going to pretend he’s in front of an iMac with his Twitter and Facebook open, and his blog in front of him. …

Now You Can Build Your Brand Using Sweat Equity

Sweat-EquityCompanies put a lot of money and expertise into building their brand — finding the perfect advertisement, designing that logo that will make you thirsty, hungry, tired, awake, sweaty, funny etc.  It is a rich man’s game, and the more money you have, the bigger brand you can build.  Or at least that used to be the case.  But not anymore.  Now building a brand is a game anyone with time, drive, and perseverance can play.

Thanks to the world of social media, building a brand is currently as much about sweat equity as it is about money.  Does money help? …

My Top 12 Social Media Gurus

Social-media-guruIn order to keep up with the ever-changing world of social media, I have a select group of bloggers I follow like a moth to a flame.  I like to keep up with bloggers who write about blogging, social media, and how to be a pro at it.  Since social media is so young, it is very difficult to get a “formal” education on how to use it and what can be accomplished with it.  So the way to learn is to read other’s blogs who have figured it out as best as possible.  Here are the blogs that I read on a daily basis and I find give me the most information for my time.…