My Top 12 Social Media Gurus

Social-media-guruIn order to keep up with the ever-changing world of social media, I have a select group of bloggers I follow like a moth to a flame.  I like to keep up with bloggers who write about blogging, social media, and how to be a pro at it.  Since social media is so young, it is very difficult to get a “formal” education on how to use it and what can be accomplished with it.  So the way to learn is to read other’s blogs who have figured it out as best as possible.  Here are the blogs that I read on a daily basis and I find give me the most information for my time.

Brass Track Thinking — Written by two women who are brand and communications strategists, they write about what you need to do in order to make things happen for yourself.  Their posts are about habits and questions, and they really make you think.

Chris — Chris Brogan is a veteran of the social media world and a serious influencer.  He is definitely one to follow and learn from.  He gives advice on how to be better, asks questions that if answered, will lead to better companies, and generally just gives advice.

Convince and Convert — Written by Jay Baer who is a social media strategy consultant.  He writes a lot about the social media trends, Facebook, Twitter, and marketing in general.  He also gives advice.  He just started a social media newsletter that looks extremely helpful and promising.

Copyblogger — This was the first blog I started following.  It’s more about writing for social media than marketing for social media.  Their posts are absolute classics.  They instruct on how to find your voice, write a killer headline, and generally kick ass in the blog writing world.

Famous Bloggers — They feature different bloggers for every post.  I have no idea how many guest posters they have, but the beauty is that you get tons of different perspectives and voices, and all about starting a blog, blogging, and social media.  And as I was taught from an early age, variety is the spice of life.

HubSpot — All about Inbound Internet marketing.  They cover SEO, blogging, social media, landing pages, lead generation, and analytics.  Their content really hits the mark for me as they are informative and practical.

Kikolani — This is about blog marketing, blogging tips, and social media strategy.  They have guest posters sometimes, and also have very accessible posts on everything from WordPress to Twitter to comment platforms.

Mashable — This isn’t as much of a blog as a place to find every bit of news concerning social media exactly as it happens.  If you want to know what’s going on in the world of social media, find it here.  Warning, they post a lot, so don’t add them to your RSS reader unless you’re ready for an onslaught.

Outspoken Media — Written by Lisa Barone, a social media consultant, the posts are interesting and thoughtful and leave you feeling like you can put what Lisa has to say to good use to improve what you’re doing.

ProBlogger — Written by Darren Rowse, this blog’s mission is to help bloggers add income streams to their blogs.  They also try to teach about the skills and art of blogging.  The posts are super useful, and my favorite is when Darren shows how he makes his money via his blog.  There are colorful charts which are fantastic since numbers make me shake in my boots.  I prefer words and if those won’t do the job, colored charts work too.

Seth’s Blog — Written by Seth Godin who is a mega-star with books and many followers, the blog is written in super short format.  I think he tries to keep it under 200 words, and still gets great points across.  It’s not always practical advice, it’s more to get you thinking.

ViperChill — All about blogging, ViperChill gives you practical advice, monthly reports, and ideas to think about.  It’s mostly the musings of the author, Glen, on how he got to be so successful on the web (he says he makes 5 figures a month based on his websites) and gives you advice on how to do the same.

I hope these blogs are as helpful to you as they are to me.  My Google Reader is filled with blogs, but these are definitely my favorites.  I am also a design blog junkie to the extreme, and while it’s off topic, if anyone is into picking paint colors, let me know and I’ll send you my favorite ones of those too.


1 comment

  1. I currently follow 4 of your 12 so I’ll sure check out the others. It’s always nice to find more quality blogs to follow even though I keep thinking I’ll never find time to read them all. But somehow I do find time to scan the headlines for the best of the best. And that’s what really matters.

    So thinks for the input keep!

    Frank Woodman Jr

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