Today’s Afternoon Delight: Passion

I’m here to offer you some afternoon delight, a feature I will occasionally include in this blog.

There are many, many, many blogs out there writing on social media and how to survive it.  Sometimes they make me feel like I’m trying to navigate an earthquake or tsunami instead of a marketing niche.  Occasionally I notice a trend that is overtaking the Blogsphere which I find interesting and noteworthy.  I used to make a note of it in my head.  Now I will share with you.  Today’s trend?  PASSION.

Please take note:

FamousBloggers has a post up about passion.

As does Outspoken Media, a personal favorite of mine (the part about passion is at the end of the post).

Their point (in case you don’t care to click on the links above) is that in order to succeed in the world of social media, you need to be passionate about what you write about.  It’s the way to get noticed and get followers.

How to apply this to your small business?  My guess is, you already do by being excited about what you sell, and by being good at what you do.  The next step is to take that passion you already have and put it on the Internet.  Whether it’s through a post to your Facebook page, or starting a blog, transitioning from excited business owner to excited business owner who utilizes social media is a jump you should be taking.

You need an example of passionate Internet usage?  This post is one.  Start taking time to notice the passion and my guess is, it’ll be everywhere.  I even noticed it today while reading about throw pillows.  No joke, find it here.  And then think about how to translate your passion into a web presence.



  1. […] be Hemmingway or Faulkner or Updike to blog.  You just need to know your business and expose your passion.  To get in the groove of things, start writing one blog a day for a week.  You’ll see that it […]

  2. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Bruce Jones, Rebecca Osberg. Rebecca Osberg said: Today's Afternoon Delight on Passion — […]

  3. Rebecca: You passion for writing shines through this blog. I agree, passion in life is the key to happiness and success, whether it be personal or professional. Good luck with your writing. I have LOVED the writing you have done for me and my clients!
    Marla Levie

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