Tag: Blog

How to Plan an Email and Blog Campaign

how-to-plan-an-email-and-blog-campaignDeciding to combine blog posts and an email campaign is a great idea. But most business think all they need to do is write a post and send an email. There is more that goes into a campaign than just those two steps. The most important component is having a plan and recognizing your goal.

Setting Your Goal

Understanding what you want to get out of a blog post/email campaign will help you achieve it. Do you want to sell a certain product? Get more Facebook fans? Get more readers to your blog post? Whatever it is, make sure you understand it and always have it in the back of your mind.…

Why Your SEO Campaign Isn’t Working

why-your-seo-campaign-isn't-workingI’ve had a lot of conversations lately with new bloggers who want their posts to resonate with the SEO gods, but aren’t quite sure what their keywords are. Unless you have prior SEO experience, you’re going to need to hire someone to determine those for you.

Here’s why: if you are a dry cleaners in Chicago, that does not automatically make your keyword Chicago dry cleaner. It seems like it should, but it doesn’t.

The reason is there might be 500 other dry cleaners trying to optimize that key word. Meaning, there is intense competition and no way you can dominate that key word without spending thousands of dollars a month on an SEO campaign.…

The only thing standing between bloggers and success is…

blogging-successToday I’m very excited to have a guest post from  Kiesha at We Blog Better.  I hope you enjoy, and without further ado….

I’ve been blogging for about two years now and during that time I’ve discovered that it doesn’t matter who you are, who you don’t know, how old you are, whether or not you’re a strong writer, what niche you blog in, etc. I could go on and add to this list, but none of those details matter – if you want to be a successful blogger, there’s only one thing standing in your way.

When I started blogging in the Christian inspiration niche, I think I had to choose one of the hardest niches to get noticed in.…

101 Ways to Use Social Media to Improve Your Business

101-ways-to-use-social-media-to-improve-your-business-in-20111. Get on Facebook

2. Establish a business account if you don’t have one

3. Create a 200pix wide x 600pix high image for Facebook

4. Add Facebook links to every page of your website

5. Fill out your entire Facebook profile

6. Obtain a Facebook vanity URL to help customers find you

7. Add your vanity URL to your email signature

8. Add your vanity URL to your marketing materials

9. Post daily updates to Facebook regarding your business

10. Answer any customer questions on Facebook, whether they originate from Twitter or an email. It will help foster conversation.


Content Marketing Works – It Did For Me…

content_marketing_worksFolks, today was a weird day.  It was the first day in my life that I accidentally found myself on the Internet.  Let me tell you how it happened.

I was taking a break from work (I had just finished a case study and was starting in on a website – busy day), when I decided to check out one of my favorite blogs – Copyblogger.  Their post for the day was:  Top 10 Blogs for Writers 2010.

I am always looking for new blogs to read and learn from, so I clicked on the third one, Make a Living Writing.…

7 Common Sense Steps To Grow a Blog

7-common-sense-ways-to-grow-a-blogThere are many of you who are thinking about blogging as a way to relate to customers and draw in more business. Kudos to you. That’s exactly why a small business should be blogging.

Every once in awhile I talk to small business owners who want to blog not just for their customers’ sake but because they want to establish a popular blog that is known throughout their community for being interesting and popular.

Depending on the community – that can be easier said than done. Most blogging communities are over saturated at this point, and in order to make a mark, you really need to shine.…

A Week of Opinions: Why Your Thoughts Matter

A-Week-of-Opinions-Why-Your-Thoughts-MatterI was talking with a friend the other day about how I come up with my blog posts. Any blogger knows that it’s not an easy feat to put out many posts a week. My friend is thinking of starting a blog and her biggest concern is whether or not she would be able to come up with enough topics to sustain a 3-5 posts a week schedule.

I understood her apprehension and didn’t sugar coat things. It’s difficult. At times it’s a task that seems impossible, but I gave her a piece of advice that I am sharing with you now.…