Month: August 2010

Eight Beginner Tips For Better SEO

Business Blog SEOWhat exactly is SEO (Search Engine Optimization)?  Basically, it’s what Google and other search engines use to find your small business blog.  What is the point of having a blog or business website if when people Google you, they can’t find you?

Here are a few tips you can use in order to help yourself get found which will hopefully bring you more clients and readers.

First, write your blog posts in a text editing program rather than directly online. This way when you go to transfer it to your online presence you’ll be forced to re-read and eliminate typos, and make sure what you’ve written is on point.…

Top Ten Rules for Your Social Media Policy

Top Ten Social Media Policy Rules

Being in charge of a small business means your head is in about fifteen places at once.  Instead of thinking about Twitter, you’re thinking about payroll and inventory.  Using your employees to help keep up with social media is a great way to help manage the time that goes into staying current with technology.  So making sure your employees know how to use social media is imperative.  If you have taken the plunge into blogging, Twitter, and Facebook, you need to feel comfortable when your employees are using these tools, which means taking the time to teach them so they become social media masters.…