Tag: bloggers

Social Media Gurus, Cont’d

social-media-gurusSo it’s been awhile since I did my social media guru post. I’ve found a few other blogs that I really enjoy and thought you might want to know about them. Without further ado, here are my social media guru updates. I still love the first 12, but here are another 5:

Site Sketch 101: A site all about the interwebs from blogging to websites to Facebook. Great article topics that are well written and informative.

We Blog Better: And not just because I’m a regular guest blogger! But because they have smart articles that are helpful and well researched.…

My Top 12 Social Media Gurus

Social-media-guruIn order to keep up with the ever-changing world of social media, I have a select group of bloggers I follow like a moth to a flame.  I like to keep up with bloggers who write about blogging, social media, and how to be a pro at it.  Since social media is so young, it is very difficult to get a “formal” education on how to use it and what can be accomplished with it.  So the way to learn is to read other’s blogs who have figured it out as best as possible.  Here are the blogs that I read on a daily basis and I find give me the most information for my time.…