Day: August 4, 2010

Afternoon Delight: Write An About Page To Be Proud Of

Proud-of-my-bio-pageAs a bonus afternoon post, I thought we could discuss a topic that is very important but doesn’t often get a lot of recognition.  Your About page.

As I’ve mentioned before, personality is a big draw when using social media, and your About page is the perfect place to put as much personality into your website as possible.  You can write all about you in your voice and put your picture and make everyone who reads it love you.

But there’s more to the About/Bio page than personality.  This is also the page where you are going to advertise your skills and what makes you more qualified than your competitors. …

Build An Online Presence You Can Be Proud Of

Your-Online-PresenceIn yesterday’s post I mention that one of the basics of SEO is building up an online presence.  Then I proceeded to talk about it for all of 3 sentences.  I think we can all agree that it deserves more than that.

The reason having an online presence is so important is because if you don’t have one you are missing out on a lot of potential customers.  Truthfully, Internet marketing (website, Facebook, Twitter etc.) is no longer an option, it’s a requirement.  Online marketing is a multi-billion dollar business that helps just about every revenue stream that takes advantage of it. …